Experience a Maine Adventure

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T.H.O.R. Visits Lugdon Lodge

Tourism, Hospitality, & Outdoor Recreation students spent a day at Lugdon Lodge ice fishing and dogsledding.

13 students from different University of Maine campuses, from USM to Machias and of course UMFK, joined us last week for an insiders peak at running a four-season lodge during the coldest season of the year. We had beautiful weather! Thankfully we had just enough ice to set a few traps on Eagle Lake, right off the shore at camp, and just enough snow in a nearby field so everyone had a chance to MUSH!

The class split into 4 groups. Dad (Ed) took 3/4 of them to the ice to drill holes, put up the shelter and set some traps. A couple of the students had their own traps and jig poles, too. Unfortunately, no fish were harmed – good thing we weren’t relying on the students to put lunch on the table. Instead, Mom (Marion) made biscuits, chocolate chip cookies and whoopie pies. Dad made moose stew and baked beans.

Mom, Zander and I took 1/4 of the class at a time out on the dogsled. With barely enough snow, there wasn’t much braking material, so we only hooked up 4 dogs each run, but it gave the students a chance to each drive once around the field. Just long enough for the fear to turn to exhilaration. Just long enough to feel the power of the huskies. Just long enough to fall in love with the dogs and want to come back for more!
We invited the students to come back to try again once we have more snow. I hope at least a few take us up on the offer. I love sharing the experience of dogsledding with newbies. If YOU want to come dogsledding with us, Call Mom. Dad, Mom, and Zander have worked hard clearing trails and it looks like we FINALLY have enough snow to run!!


Deer Hunt 2023

Middle of November Marion and I decided to hunt behind Mert’s Pond. For those of you who aren’t from central Maine, Merton was Marion’s brother and while he wasn’t much of a housekeeper, his lawn, garden and swimming pond were always immaculate. Our kids and dozens of others learned to swim there and a few of the nieces and nephews hunt there on occasion. Every year, on the 4th of July, extended family gather to remember that “The Fourth is The Fourth!”

Anyway – back to the hunt. We had been over to the Pond the prior afternoon and found quite a lot of fresh sign on the flat between the brook and the ridge. Marion decided to sit in one of Mike’s tree stands where he had put in a food plot several years ago. I went up along an old skidder trail to where we would be out of each other’s shooting ranges. I set up the pop up blind and trimmed out my shooting lane and settled in for a nap. At about 4pm, after a good nap, I stood up, stretched and got the kinks out so I could get serious about the last bit of daylight. At 4:20 I saw a bit of movement by the brook, got my gun up, pulled into my shoulder just as a small deer stepped into the shooting lane. Cocked the hammer, put the red dot just behind the shoulder and squeezed the trigger – CLICK – I had not jacked on into the chamber. As I hunkered down jacking one in as quietly as possible, a BIGGER DEER took one step from behind a tree, presenting her head, neck and about 10 inches of her shoulder. I put the red dot as close to the tree as possible and squeezed the trigger! Down she went! She was kicking quite a bit, so I scrambled out of the blind for the finishing shot. As I was going down the steep hill, she got up. I threw the rifle up to my should and down I went – sliding down the damp hill on my ass. She went down again after about 10 yards, and Up I got. I shot her again.

I was using the Henry my son Dustin and his wife Michelle got me, they knew it was one I had wanted for a long time and knowing I’d never buy it for myself – so they got the first picture – My gun laying on the deer.

Next message was to my nephew Mike – he was hunting nearby and had told us earlier he would be dragging crew. After shooting lite ended, I went to get my gutter – Marion. By the time she was done gutting, Mike and his buddy Bert were there to drag!

Site Cleaning Musings

While headed out Sly Brook this morning on the way to clean the Sullivan baits, Marion & I saw a bright bold rainbow.

Rainbow seen from Rt 11 – looking over the Fish River Valley – taken some time this spring – didn’t get a shot of the rainbow we saw.

We went directly to the Mud baits as they were the furthest out. As we got back on the Sullivan and headed for the Dechaine, we saw three deer, all bald.

From there to VB-11 was very uneventful. On VB-11, a pileated woodpecker was making some noise. Near Crazy Bear, I saw a partridge fly up into a tree. We drove by and got out, but before either of us could get a shot, it waved good-bye. That may have been a good thing, cause it might have been the last bird in Northern Maine.

Did get a chance to look over a couple sites Manny put in new this year. Was very impressed with the way he laid them out and how tight his ground blinds are.

The traffic was heavy in the woods – saw 6 or 8 vehicles. Beginning to think it’s time to head further North.

Just Like the Biddeford Crew!

Spent the day cleaning bait sites – it was quite relaxing, even though I had to work alone today. My partner spent the day with Charlotte & Wylder, Courtney’s youngest two.

Granddaughter Charlotte, down to her lodge, showing off partridge last fall!

Saw 8 deer, no horns. But nice to see them. Been seeing deer most days now. All does and little ones. I did see one bird, but felt like I was part of the Biddeford crew as my feet went up and my ass went down just when I tried to shoot! Guess the ditch was a little slick from the the snow covered leaves. Was reminded of the Biddeford Boys again when I went to my knees in the mid at No Idea Bait.


Wild Women’s Week

Ladies of the Lodge are hosting the first annual Wild Women’s Week June 25 to July 2.

Fresh air, sunshine and adventure await! Each day you will have adventure and relaxation opportunities. There are rivers to canoe and kayak, mountains to climb, lakes to swim in, campfires to sit by – You should be here, with the Ladies of the Lodge this summer to do it all!


Ladies – It’s been a year, hasn’t it? Let’s have a summer to remember!

Women 18 and up – Wild Women’s Week is adventure camp for YOU!

Details are coming soon, but mark your calendars for June 25 – July 2. Join us at the Lodge for a week with days full of outdoor adventures and nights full of campfires!

Family Dogsledding Adventure

This year has been tough. Finding the perfect outdoor family adventure doesn’t have to be! A weekend Dogsledding Adventure 2021 at the lodge can provide a safe getaway with a once in a lifetime experience. Arrive Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday evening. Your family/group have a clean, private cabin where you can make your own meals and warm up in between adventures. The only contact you have with others is outside, socially distanced, while we guide you on Dogsledding Adventures!! Other guided winter activities are also available. Weekend Dogsledding Adventures start at $650 for 4 people. We follow and enforce all state and CDC guidelines concerning safe gatherings.

Who is ready for Summer Adventures!!!

Sly Brook Adventures is now the Non-Profit 501(c)(3) side of Lugdon Lodge! The campers this summer will be our first Sly Brook Adventurers! Who is ready for a week of adventures making memories that last a lifetime?

There are still openings for:

Adventure week – July 14-19 – full of archery, fly fishing, kayaking, mountain climbing and more! ($300)

All Aboard Allagash Adventure – July 21-26 – 2 days at the Lodge and 3 days in the Allagash Wilderness Waterways! ($400)



Acting Out – July 7-12, 2019

Lugdon Adventure – July 14-19, 2019

All Aboard Allagash Adventure – July 21-26, 2019

Click on Adventure Camps at the top of this page for more details!

mountain top

Junior Mushing Adventure!

TWO FULL DAYS of dog sledding at Lugdon Lodge over February School Vacation!

Space is limited to 4 campers per session. Beginners Welcome. Three sessions available.

For more information about the Junior Mushing Adventure, click on Dogsledding above or Call Marion at 207=444=4557!

Registrations are Due February 4th.


Charlotte J Lugdon (1)
Gram, known to some as Charlotte Jane (Clark) Lugdon who was born on June 5, 1923 in Burlington, ME to Edgar and Pamelia (Page) Clark passed from this world on December 10, 2018.
Gram lived most of her adult life in Kenduskeag after attending East Corinth Academy – Class of 1941.
To say she was active at the Kenduskeag Union Church is an understatement. Well into her 90’s she sat at the door during suppers and provided many items for the craft fair as an active member of the Willing Workers. In her younger years she taught Sunday School and directed the Samaritan Food Cupboard.
Gram could whip up a doily or dishcloth in no time and when she was at the Lodge, she was often found on the porch of the main camp in the afternoon with her crochet hook and yarn. Her gifts of knit and crocheted crafts and handwritten cookbooks are cherished by family and friends. In the Fall on Sunday evenings, hunters are treated to her special Zucchini Casserole.
Gram enjoyed substitute teaching at MSAD 64 (laughing when she recalled a student calling her an old blue-haired goat), writing town fire permits (and chasing fires with her husband), cooking at the Lodge and with grandchildren, fishing for muskies and tagging deer.
She loved a good joke or story (even a few that were off-color). Her memory and wit were sharp and Gram enjoyed retelling her favorites.
Once in a while, Gram would sip on a toddy in the evenings, and she especially loved the lemonade she had on the Fourth of July sitting at the pond in West Corinth.
Gram joined her husband George M. Lugdon, four sisters – Elizabeth, Pricilla, Margaret and Dena, and special friends Donna Townsend (you might remember the times she and Gram cooked together at the Lodge) in heaven, saying she knew they were waiting for her. She is survived by her daughter Margaret “Sis” Call, sons Ernest Lugdon and wife Linda, and Edgar Lugdon and wife Marion. Her legacy includes 10 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren, and 4 great great grandchildren.
Charlotte will be fondly remembered and loved by all who call her Gram.
A celebration of Gram’s amazing 95 years will be held December 22, 2018 at 10am at Kenduskeag Union Church. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Willing Workers of Kenduskeag Union Church, PO Box 271, Kenduskeag. ME 04450

Summer Adventures Begin Soon!

Acting Out – July 8-13

Ben Regan is back again this summer with his original show – Under the Shadow of the Moose.


Lugdon Adventure – July 15-20

AT and Archery Addictions will be here with their archery equipment! Of course we will be hiking, climbing, swimming and kayaking too!


Deboullie Adventure – July 22-27

Campers spend a night or two at the Lodge then head for the North Maine Woods for a few nights of camping out, hiking, climbing, kayaking and more.


All camps are $300 and we still have a few Summer 18 scholarships available. More details on the Summer Adventure Page.



2012 07 22 0003Acting Out – July 9-14, 2017

Campers 8-18 will audition, rehearse and perform an original comedy titled “A History of the World” by Ben Regan!  Campers will also participate in many traditional summer camp activities such as KAYAKING, MOUNTAIN CLIMBING, SWIMMING, FIELD GAMES and, of course, CAMPFIRES and too many S’MORES!!


Deboullie Adventure – July 16-21, 2017

Campers 10-18 will spend two nights at Lugdon Lodge on Eagle Lake learning outdoor survival skills such as building and cooking on campfires, wilderness first aid and practicing compass skills.  Then campers will head into the North Maine Woods to spend two to three nights near the base of Deboullie Mountain.  While in the Woods, campers will climb Deboullie, hike trails, fish, kayak, canoe, cook over campfires and eat too many S’MORES!!


Lugdon Adventure – July 23-28

Campers 8-18 will spend the week participating in many outdoor adventures, including  kayaking, swimming, and weather permitting, a day in the North Maine Woods climbing Deboullie Mountain or kayaking at the base.  A.T. and Lisa from Archery Addictions in PA will be joining us again this summer to provide professional archery instruction!  Days will be full of adventure and evenings will be spent by the lake enjoying too many S’MORES!!DSC_0242

Forms for Adventure Camping

Acting Out and Lugdon Adventure campers and their parents should be able to access and print out these forms to bring to camp Sunday July 10 for Acting Out and Sunday July 17 for Lugdon Adventure!

Enrollment Forms available by following this link


Packing List available by following this link





Liam Lozier has won the campership raffle!  This raffle was used to grow our own scholarship fund as well as helped with MSAD 27 elementary school fundraising.

There are still openings for both Acting Out July 10-15 and Lugdon Adventure July 17-22!  Call today to join us for a summer you will never forget!


Spring Fever Adventure!

Spring Fever is almost here!!  Campers will audition, rehearse and perform THE SWORD CALLED EXCALIBUR with Children’s Stage Adventures!  Campers will also hike, craft, bike, eat s’mores around campfires and climb mountains with Lugdon Adventure staff.  A.T. from Archery Addictions in Pennsylvania will be here with bows, arrows and targets for campers to practice their archer skills!

Camp is $300 per person.  Registrations are due now!  Call, email or message us on Facebook for more details!


2016 Adventure Camp Dates

2016 Camping Dates!

April 18-22 Spring Fever Adventure
Archery with AT from Archery Addictions
Audition, rehearse and perform Sword Called Excalibur with Children Stage Adventures

June 19-24 Deboullie Adventure
After spending a couple nights at the Lodge campers will spend 3 nights in the North Maine Woods hiking and climbing

July 10-15 Acting Out Adventure
Audition, rehearse and perform Peter Pan with Ben Regan
Campfires, hiking, swimming, crafts, field games, theater games and kayaking

July 17-22 Lugdon Adventure
Week filled with outdoor activities, mountain climbing, kayaking, crafts, swimming, kayaking, hiking, field games, tenting out, and campfires

8-18 year old campers – $300 per week.
Family/Group Option – up to 4 people (at least 1 parent) – ‘family’ participates in all meals and scheduled activities but stays in private cabin
$1500 per week (additional ‘family’ members $200 each)

George and his crossbow!!


Deboullie Camping Adventure!

Just a couple weeks away from the first week of Adventure Camp! July 12-17 is filled with outdoor adventure! Campers will begin by learning and practicing skills like building a campfire, setting up a tent, map and compass use, fishing for their dinner THEN they will put those skills to good use on an overnight camping trip to Deboullie Mountain!
Remember to register! Message us here, contact Shannon on facebook or call Marion soon!IMG_20140710_125915033

Variety Adventure

July 26 – 31

A.T. is coming back!!  That means – ARCHERY at the Lodge!

A.T. will be back with his archery equipment and expertise the week of Variety Adventure.  Campers will practice their skills with a bow and arrow.  Non-Campers – children and adults – can book one hour lessons as well.  Private and Group lessons will be available – Schedule will be based on pre-registrations, first come – first served.

This Variety Adventure is not just for children and their families.  We welcome adults for an afternoon, a day or two, THE  WHOLE WEEK!!

QUILTING with Judy Babbidge will be available Tuesday – Saturday July 28 – Aug 1, 9am – Noon

SCRAPBOOKING will be available all day Monday, July 26 – Friday, July 31

ART LESSONS with Gert will be available Monday, July 26 – Thursday, July 30, 9am-11am

ARCHERY with A.T. will be available all day Monday, July 26 – Thursday, July 30

AND DON”T FORGET – Ben Regan will be with us again – Those campers (children and adults) who stay the whole week will be performing a Variety Show Friday night!


July 26-31, 2015

This summer at the Lodge, we are hosting a VARIETY ADVENTURE CAMP!  Campers 8 – 18 arrive Sunday afternoon, stay in cabins with Lugdon Lodge Counselors for the week and leave after the Variety Show on Friday night.  They will participate in all the traditional summer camp experiences we offer – swimming, hiking, field games, crafts, kayaking and more.  Parents – THIS IS THE PART WE ARE SO EXCITED ABOUT – Parents are encouraged to join in on any daily activities they are able to with none of the stress!  Lugdon Lodge staff will arrange the outings, take care of supplies, meals and snacks, and supervise activities so all you need to do is relax with your children.

If you would like to tent out with your children one night, Lugdon Lodge Staff will help you every step of the way – from setting up the tent to cooking breakfast over the campfire!

Interested in kayaking the Fish River with your children, Lugdon Lodge Staff will be right there with you providing transportation of kayaks and family, help portaging around Fish River Falls and peace of mind because they have years of experience on the river and Marion, Shannon and Courtney are Lifeguard Certified.

A schedule of planned activities will be available to help in planning your family camping experience.

Parents, you can come for an afternoon, a whole day, overnight – whatever works for your schedule.  Adults who stay overnight will be housed in our Bunk House – giving them the opportunity to enjoy a late campfire with other adults, a late night kayak trip or even a picnic by the lake.

Lugdon Lodge Variety Adventure has something for everyone!

Two NEW experiences we are excited to offer this week are Quilting and Scrapbooking.  Both young campers and adults are welcome to create projects to work on all week long.  We have arranged a space to leave your work out!!  This is the chance you’ve been waiting for – A week to work on that quilting project, or just learn how to quilt –  A week to create that baby book or vacation scrapbook – you can start on Monday, and leave all your supplies and mess right where you are working and come back to it as you have opportunity throughout the week!  Experienced quilting and scrapbooking teachers will be on staff.  You don’t need to have children participating in Variety Adventure Camp to participate in this part – If you have a love for Quilting or Scrapbooking (or just want to try your hand at one or both) – THIS EXPERIENCE IS FOR YOU!!

Young Campers pay $300 each, with multiple children discounts available.  Adults pay $20 per day (includes lunch and supper) and an additional $10 to stay overnight (includes coffee and breakfast).  Any camper who participates in Acting Out, July 19-24  or Adventure Camp the week of July 12-17 pays only $250 for the week.

A Fisherman and his Wife!

What a great show tonight Wallagrass Elementary!! You all did wonderful!  

Lugdon Lodge donated a campership valued at $300, for the Wallagrass PTA to raffle off. 100% of the money raised goes to the ‘Play Fund’ so the students can have Children’s Stage Adventure come again in two years!

The campership is for Lugdon Adventure Camps, Acting Out. This summer, July 29-24, campers will audition, rehearse and perform Robin Hood!  

ROBIN HOOD – Acting Out – July 19-24, 2015

Sir Robin of Locksley, defender of downtrodden, with his band of Merry Men, he robs from the rich, gives to the poor and still has time to woo the lovely Maid Marian!! Wanna be a part of it – ACTING OUT – July 19-24, 2015!!

Summer Adventure Camps


Overnight campouts, campfire cooking, hiking, mountain climbing, swimming, kayaking…

A week filled with OUTDOOR ADVENTURE for campers ages 8 – 18!


July 19 – 24 ACTING OUT

Theater Camp with a TWIST of Adventure. This summer, campers will audition, rehearse, and perform ROBIN HOOD! In addition to acting, campers will enjoy swimming, kayaking, climbing Hedgehog Mountain, and evening campfires.



Summer camp for the whole FAMILY! Young campers will stay together enjoying the adventures of summer camp.  Parents can spend an afternoon, a day, or the week participating during the day alongside the young campers, then, as night falls, parents can enjoy evenings at the campfire, a night kayak, or a walk by the lake under the stars knowing their children are cared for by Lugdon Adventure Staff. Each day this week will be themed so families can choose which adventures they would like to be a part of. Young campers are welcome to stay all week with parents coming to the Lodge as schedules permit.  Quilting and Scrapbooking also available this week!